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A few words on things we do...

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WTS news
02. News
WTS technology
03. Technology

Shameless Abuse of Buzzwords

We build and/or use a bunch of stuff, including...

04. Clients

Those we know and love

Herein work some of our favorite people. We like to hang-out with them. We're committers...and we align our mission to theirs, making us both better!

WTS about us
05. About

Practical, positive, relentless

What are we?

Yeah, we’re “best of breed”, “collaborative”, etc. When you have a perfect delivery record for 15 years that’s a given. Bored yet? 

What’s worth mentioning? Technical aggression. Daring in the space. Loyalty under pressure. Delivery that outshines others.

Who are we?

Experienced, qualified and certified. Culturally superlative, situationally progressive, and socially first-class. No apologies.

Federal (technology + politics + economics) =  WTS Realm

06. Consultants

People Make the Difference

Progressive Culture

Progressive Culture

Visit yesterday, push for tomorrow...but be today. We're gonna need it.

Ideas bloom from freedom and we instigate risk and radiate support. Now that's a fun formula! : D The result is ideas in droves. Having the audacity to "be today" is our cultural creed.
Collective Knowledge

Collective Knowledge

We knew that because she knew that the team knew that.

We do a lot of things a lot of places...and we stay connected. This makes us stronger. We promote open contact so specific projects leverage company-wide power!
Leading Experts

Leading Experts

Leading. Like, not trying to catch-up...but actually creating the wave.

WTSers average 10+ years of experience. We're STEM-savvy and decked in degrees. Our leaders are left/right-brain dual-ists. Everyone trained with ultra-competitive firms...including ours. ; )
WTS email Email

Prospective Clients

WTS is ready to score you a win. If you need effective technical delivery ping us at:

Prospective Consultants

WTS is always looking for the best IT professionals. If you’ve got what it takes, we’d love to talk to you!

WTS address Address

2275 Research Blvd. Suite 500 Rockville, MD 20850 – Map

WTS phone Phone

(301) 296-4466 (main number)
(301) 296-4405 (fax)