WTS fielded the production replacement for the legacy USCIS FOIA system.
The system was deployed without a hitch and was an immediate success with both official and public users. The system has already enabled the FOIA process to realize a 10x increase in productivity, allowed previously “unworkable” cases to be processed, and introduced a web-based intake process.
WTS, through Agile/DevSecOps-based development of FIRST, has engaged over 13 thousand USCIS customers in its first four months of operation—allowing the registration of almost six thousand cases for electronic delivery.
WTS helped NEC deploy Facial Recognition Kiosks as a central component of the TSA’s expanding PreCheck expedited airport screening program, and in further support of Customs and Border Protection’s intensifying biometric passenger processing initiatives across the country.
TS will provide fingerprint, palmprint and face recognition products to the federal government through a scheduled arrangment. As an NEC VAR, WTS helps ensure unique and highly accurate biometric authentication technology solutions are deployed to the government nationwide.
WTS will provide Visa vetting and case management to ICE, CBP, and select State Department users. This expansion will continue to improve national security and public safety by preventing terrorists, criminals, and other ineligible applicants from receiving U.S. visas and maximizing the visa process as a counter terrorism tool.