WTS news

WTS wins DHS Flexible Agile Support for the Homeland (FLASH) IDIQ

WTS will provide Agile software design, development, and deployment services to DHS. These modern digital services will use development and operations (DevOps) techniques that embrace continuous integration and continuous deployment, cross-functional collaboration, user centered design and code development, automated testing and configuration management and metrics reporting. This DHS-wide strategic sourcing vehicle support projects that are building brand new systems as well as projects that are building on top of existing systems. FLASH has one-year base and two option years.

WTS teams to win Visa Security Program Tracking System (VSPTS) Software Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Contract

WTS will provide software operations, maintenance and enhancement support to VSPTS. VSPTS is the case management application used by ICE special agents and CBP in support of this mission. These enhancements will improve national security and public safety by preventing terrorists, criminals, and other ineligible applicants from receiving U.S. visas and maximizing the visa process as a counterterrorism tool.

WTS wins Integrated Award Environment (IAE) Report Application within the Common Services Platform (CSP) Contract

WTS will provide agile development, testing, transition, operation and maintenance services to GSA for IAE data. The new application within IAE will develop and maintain IAE reports as well as provide a centralized location to access all reports across the IAE. It will also replace all critical and major reports supported today in IAE as well as support the creation of new reports to represent IAE information. In addition to reports, the application will use data visualization to clearly represent IAE information.

WTS wins Data Management & Open Data Policy Support (ODPS) Contract

WTS will develop, enhance and manage enterprise information for the GSA Chief Information Officer (CIO), in compliance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) data policies. The outcome of this effort will be the maturation of GSA�s Enterprise Data Inventory (EDI) and Public Data Listing (PDL).

WTS Wins EDIM Data 2 Decisions (D2D) Contract

WTS will provide GSA a performance management platform whereby Government agencies and entities can utilize to meet their performance management requirements in support of the government-wide open data policy and the direct requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRAMA). The platform will provide Analytics as a Service (AaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) mechanisms for the Federal Government. WTS will ensure the implementation of D2D Platform Operations, Public Building Service (PBS) Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) Analysis, D2D Platform Corrective Adaptive Perfective Preventative (CAPP) Maintenance and D2D Development and Implementation.